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- Written by Geoff Klassen
- Category: Latest
- Hits: 1716

Being able to offer two key amazing components to my customers was huge to me. The Secus from Vorsprung is the BEST air fork addition you will ever make. I guarantee total satisfaction with this piece. I have never had a single component transform a fork like this! You'll run more pressure, have more initial plushness, more hold up and more bottoming resistance than anything you've ever ridden.
The Smashpot is also there for those of you looking for the ultimate comfort throughout the stroke while ensuring bottoming resistance.

These components are available for all current Fox forks, as well as all current Rock Shox forks. Steve has also added Ohlins RFX36 to the line upas well I believe. Hit me up at geoff@gpmoto.ca with any inquiries you have, or shoot me a text or call.
Take care out there boys and girls.
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- Written by Geoff Klassen
- Category: Latest
- Hits: 4367
- Details
- Written by Geoff Klassen
- Category: Latest
- Hits: 4399